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Sewing score! Singer 112W140 YES!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:40 am
by pfarber
I liked my Singer 111W155 so much I figured it needed a friend.

singer112W140.PNG (264.12 KiB) Viewed 2288 times

Double needle sewing machine all of $350 delivered.

The 111W has the much more powerful Compound feed: feed dog, needle feed and vibrating foot. The 112W is also a compound feed, but only feed dog and needle feed.

Pro tip: Any combination of two or more feed type is 'compound feed'.

I may sell the 111W... its feed system is popular with upholsterers, but lack of reverse is a big drawback... to me no reverse is not a big deal... but I don't do it for a living (yet... bwaa haa haa)