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Cool repro tin ads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:43 pm
by pfarber
I'd love to have some of the old tin ads that used to be all over the gas stations in the 30-50's and hell, a restored gas pump would be awesome while were at it... but the price of large good condition tin ads is wack, yo. So I found some smaller repro tin ads at a stall at the local 'junk show'... grabbed 5, but there are a few more that I would like...

20160201_181803.jpg (38.14 KiB) Viewed 8369 times

20160201_181932.jpg (60.04 KiB) Viewed 8369 times

20160201_181833.jpg (34.6 KiB) Viewed 8369 times

20160201_181901.jpg (64.43 KiB) Viewed 8369 times

20160201_182014.jpg (35.46 KiB) Viewed 8369 times

Paid $7.95 each... ebay show them for $8-20 + ship so if anything I saved a few bucks on shipping.