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CCKW horn recording?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:58 pm
by pfarber
Does anyone have a recording of what the CCKW horn should sound like? I have a horn, a Delco Remy that looks the part, but the tone is very 'dull'. I have no idea what a 6v horn should sound like... nor what a CCKW horn should.

Everything on the horn is working, the coil is good, I adjusted the contacts and will be blasting/painting the horn/ball.

Please post a file or e-mail [email protected] if you need if converted or posted.

Re: CCKW horn recording?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:13 am
Vintage Video has a CCKW Driver Training film
Call Scott and he wwill know which one. You will also see and hear 1st Series CCKWX GMCs in action and witness the signature whining transmission of the CCKW at idle.

Re: CCKW horn recording?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:18 pm
I can do that via the phone, I have a healthy horn.