44 Open cab, wood bed.

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44 Open cab, wood bed.

Postby pfarber » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:50 am

Here's what would seem a nice 44 open cab. I did try to contact the web site to get an exact SN, but the e-mail bounce. So, here we go.

Original pics are located at:

No way a 44 has a GMC logo. The grill has been altered for petcock access. At one time a 2nd mirror was added. All these should be removed/filled.
cckw-1.jpg (9.47 KiB) Viewed 3435 times

I'm not 100% sure about the hood number, USA missing and wrong font and have a -S. Also the running board should have tool mounts for a 44. Wood steering wheels should also be present.
cckw-2.jpg (16.67 KiB) Viewed 3435 times

They didn't show any cab or engine pics.

These seem to be the most common errors, and also appear to be a tell that the truck was used post war by European allies (Marshal Plan? NATO? MRAP/MDAP?)

Looks like a solid truck, the wood bed is looks good but was missing some rear end stuff (socket, lights, reflectors). I give this truck a C, its an average turck with minimal work to get it green and back on the road.

If you spot something I missed, or have information that contradicts what I have pointed out, please post.
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