6 Valve fuel pumps G508 and G744


Pictures of parts to help ID what is an authentic G508 part. You must include the part number, and what series (if known) CCKW (or least a month/year) it would go to. Parts do NOT have to be NOS, take off is fine but please detail any marks, numbers or identifying features to help build the parts index.

6 Valve fuel pumps G508 and G744

Postby pfarber » Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:41 pm

I saw this on ebay and looked at it closely... its NOT a CCKW fuel pump (although what appears to be a part number ends in G501).

Here's the SNL image of the 6 valve fuel pump.. we are really only concerned with the lower casting:

g5086v.PNG (54.97 KiB) Viewed 3816 times

NOTE the recessed areas on the horizontal 'arm', and the hump at the top of the lip.

Here's the ebay part being passed off as NOS CCKW:

ebay6v.PNG (323.18 KiB) Viewed 3816 times

NOTE the horizontal arm is solid, there is no hump at the top lip AND the small gusset at the horizontal arm/flange is on BOTH sides (ie there are two small gussets, not a single one).

sneaky.PNG (134.92 KiB) Viewed 3815 times

Note the arrow.. this is a boss that is tapped (or not, depending on the application) and the sneaky seller omitted a clear shot of it

Here is a photo of the G744 5 ton gasser fuel pump.. I'm not gonna look for a better image... this is conclusive enough:

gasser.PNG (337.17 KiB) Viewed 3816 times

Here is another M54 gasser fuel pump:

proof2.PNG (230.67 KiB) Viewed 3815 times

Buyer beware... or at least ask me :)
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