Guitar Center pricing...

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Guitar Center pricing...

Postby pfarber » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:33 am

GC's used gear pricing is pretty well known and how the shops follow it is pretty hilarious. Basically once they get a used piece of gear in the price will not move (aka you can't really haggle on it) if its there for less than 90 days. I mean they simply won't unless its part of a much bigger ticket item. Like hey, if you don't drop the price of this by $20 I'm not gonna buy this $500 guitar type deal... and if you read the r/guitar forums even THEN some GC's will not budge on price.

But GC's inventory is full of pricing irregularities if you are willing to have an item shipped. For example I bought a new Zoom MS50G mutli effect pedal off Amazon (free shipping) as the the used prices on GC/ebay/reverb (wait, fuck reverb.. that site sucks)/Craigslist where not deep enough to justify buying used. But today I find these:

zm1.PNG (221.27 KiB) Viewed 2326 times

Ignore the shitty price on the MS50G.. only a $20 discount (they are $99 new all day long). But the MS100BT is $159 new.. so how can the SAME pedal be 30% and 50% off retail? Well, the $79 pedal has probably been at the store 90 days. Once used gear hits 90 days in stock the discounts kick in. Honestly, you could probably get that pedal for $70 and $15 shipping for $85 total, like 40% off new price. And if its crap, drop it off at the nearest GC for a full refund less shipping.

Some guitar retards would bitch that its not free shipping or that the shipping is not refunded. Well, that's why you call the store and talk to them about the pedal. And even if its got a scratch or two.. who cares... its 50% off and works fine.

Bottom line.. buying new music gear is for suckers and snobs. Buy used... saved money, play more.
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