Ruffs, or roofs.

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Ruffs, or roofs.

Postby pfarber » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:35 am

So I need a new roof. Old shingles are shot and leaking into the people parts. Not a good thing.

So I plan on switching to metal because humping shingles all day sucks. Did it once, never again. So I measure my roof (rough measurements.. not exact) to get a quote. Quote comes back about $2k for an all metal roof. SWEET.

Back up on the roof I go to get exact measurements because paying for material I'm just gonna have to cut off and throw away is stupid. I then go over the estimate line by line.

Now this is an established metal roof supplier (well, I think most of these metal roof places are just middlemen for the metal fabricators as way to many use the same line "we have 48/50 locations to serve you"). But I found 6 errors on the quote. SIX. Sure, the web page says how helpful they are and how they will help the DIY'er... but when the delivery is made and you trusted them to get it right the first time I'm sure there will not be any free replacements for the items that they misquoted/forgot.

Yeah, I know... its up to the buyer to ensure an accurate quote.. but in all honestly other than getting the dimensions wrong pretty much everything else is up to them. For example to attach the ridge cap the plans call for screws through the ridges into the sheathing. The ridges are 1.25 inches high, the screws they quoted are only 1.5 inches leaving only .25in penetration into the sheathing. That's not enough.. at best that's 2 threads. A good wind and your ridge cap gets blown off. I mean the CAD program estimated the panels and the ridge properly.. but no the proper screw length? The same issue for transitions... a good wind and your transition piece gets ripped off and damages your roof AND the panels.

Buyer beware and TRIPLE CHECK that shit. I emailed an requested a new quote with the proper measurements and corrections.... lets see if any more errors occur.
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