MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

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MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby pfarber » Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:26 pm

April 17,18 go to the link above.

I'll be there sat to see if any CCKW items are there... need a few last bits and pieces.
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
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Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby pfarber » Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:56 pm

Scored a GEG-5101-D genny for my GPW - $75

Only saw 2 CCKWs, a closed cab and a tipper. The tipper was pretty complete, but the terminal blocks were in the cab, not the engine bay. Few if any of the vehicles had the hood open (I got there at 2pm so I may have missed something).

Two jeep vendors were very light on parts, and no deals... everything was full retail.

Events need to get the vendors to give some deals as the cost of gas and the entry/food is almost as much as shipping... soon there will be no reason to go to a show unless you participate in it. The private sellers seem to have the more reasonable priced parts.
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
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Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby ripple » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:39 am

What was the closed cab like ?

Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby pfarber » Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:07 pm

It was one that I had previously seen "bad Burtha? Billy? Bobby?" The one where I mistook the cracks in the steering wheel as mold lines. Since I had already seen it, I moved on to the dumper right next to it.

The dumper was, on initial inspection, pretty nice. But then I saw the terminal block in the cab (I took a pic) and started to look closer. Did not get the frame SN, and no DoD was noted, but the running boards did have pioneer tool mounts so that would date it to late 43+, also the data plate referenced SNL-G-508 so that also dates it late 43+. I did manage to see through the cowl slits and did notice the fuel level sight plug on the carb (atta boy!) I wish more CCKW owners would open the bonnet so we can see whats inside. The bed was in great shape, headache rack, tool compartment, bed divider... very good shape. I did notice some welds that were pretty messy, some duct tape on the rear light connectors, and a few other issues.

Biggest red flag: GMC logo on brush guard. Would not jive with the data plate (SNL-G508 reference) and pioneer tool mounts. 4/43 was the last time a GMC logo was put on a factory truck. Oh, and the steering wheel was unpainted. When will people learn? Why stop so sort of a restoration? They fret over PRESTONE 44 on the hood, stars and unit ID, yet the wheel is a highly polished unauthentic red flag.
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
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Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby JGilmore » Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:16 pm, you're making my head spin with all this uninformed writing.....

".....The dumper was, on initial inspection, pretty nice. But then I saw the terminal block in the cab (I took a pic) and started to look closer. Did not get the frame SN, and no DoD was noted, but the running boards did have pioneer tool mounts so that would date it to late 43+, also the data plate referenced SNL-G-508 so that also dates it late 43+. I did manage to see through the cowl slits and did notice the fuel level sight plug on the carb (atta boy!) I wish more CCKW owners would open the bonnet so we can see whats inside. The bed was in great shape, headache rack, tool compartment, bed divider... very good shape. I did notice some welds that were pretty messy, some duct tape on the rear light connectors, and a few other issues...."

Sigh.....again you just don't understand....that truck was NOT FINISHED!. The MTA asked us to please bring a few trucks to their show and we drove the tipper there even though it was not finished. Really...the duct tape on the wiring should have tipped you off that it was still being worked on..that was there from the sandblasting. We did not have the time to install the new wiring harness because we were waiting for the new exact reproduction terminal blocks we had made to arrive.

This is another truck that I was one of the persons restoring it and I drove it there. Data plates are repro. SN is 353-3537xx-H-2.

"...Biggest red flag: GMC logo on brush guard. Would not jive with the data plate (SNL-G508 reference) and pioneer tool mounts. 4/43 was the last time a GMC logo was put on a factory truck..."

Yes because the owner likes the GMC logo!

"..... Oh, and the steering wheel was unpainted. When will people learn? Why stop so sort of a restoration? They fret over PRESTONE 44 on the hood, stars and unit ID, yet the wheel is a highly polished unauthentic red flag..."

Huh?! "..unpainted.."...."highly polished" ....are you sure you actually saw this truck?

First ....the wheel is plastic! Should not be painted and it will be replaced with a wood one later but....highly polished?

Here is a photo of the wheel on this tipper. If it is "polished" it's because we drive it so much!..and here is a photo of the rear wiring that it's finished.

Can't wait to see your vehicle.....

Jim Gilmore

Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby pfarber » Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:06 pm

You are quickly losing credibly with asinine comments.

If you are going to debate the finish of plastic part you may want to start you own forum and post away.

I gave my impression o the truck. Like it or not.

Are you sure you are not Joel Gopan?
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
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Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby JGilmore » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:27 pm

"...You are quickly losing credibly with asinine comments
If you are going to debate the finish of plastic part you may want to start you own forum and post away........"

I don't know what you are referring to when you say "asinine comments". Can you be more specific? What are you saying about the finish of plastic parts? Are you saying the wheel should be painted?

"....I gave my impression o the truck. Like it or not..."

That's fine, but a rebuttal should be allowed when the opinion is based on a uncompleted truck.

"...Are you sure you are not Joel Gopan? ..."


Jim Gilmore (not Joel Gopan)

Re: MTA of NJ 2010 Swap Meet

Postby pfarber » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:59 pm

Polish has many different meanings. A polished surface is shiny, not necessarily the result of mechanical polishing.

pol·ished (plsht)
a. Made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action.
b. Naturally shiny and smooth.
2. Having the husk or outer layers removed. Used of grains of rice.
3. Refined; cultured: polished manners.
4. Having no imperfections or errors; flawless: gave a polished presentation to the board.

Are we done here or are there more dictionary lessons in store?
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
RIP Kimber 5/26/2022
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