Early carb sight glass?

Topics about the engine, transmission, transfer, axles, or wheels/brakes of GMC 2 1/2 ton trucks.

Early carb sight glass?

Postby pfarber » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:06 pm

Was looking through the SNL-G503 and noticed that early die cast carbs have a call out for a sight glass on the fuel bowl.


AW PLUG, sight level GM-2196082

For use on CCKW Prior to chassis No 321078).

The cast iron carb also has a bolt on the fuel bowl, buts it called a PLUG.

Does anyone have pics or identifying marks that would help locate original carbs? I guess post war civilian GMC 270 and 302 carbs will power a CCKW, but anyone got any good dope and CORRECT early and late carbs?
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Postby WWII TRUCK » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:12 am

It is just what it says it is, you can take it out to look in. CCKW ain't in just one manual, you gotta go to one that tells U all about the Carby.

Postby WWII TRUCK » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:13 am

Why were you using the G-503, it won't tell you anything.

Postby pfarber » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:59 pm

Simple typo.. and I had just done some posts on g503.com.

Good catch... at least you read my post :)
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Postby WWII TRUCK » Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:20 pm

You're welcome. Wouldn't miss it for anything. I am having fun soaking up MV knowledge. I am learning all I can so that I can take a Chevy 4X4 steering wheel to the nursing home and mount on my bed and make Chevy 4X4 noises. I am having trouble double clutching, I keep hearing dishes rattling when I let the clutch out too fast. :roll:

Actually that sight plug in the parts list is a float level checking plug, fuel will run out if float is set too high.

Postby pfarber » Tue May 20, 2008 2:48 am

I went through the SNL for the carbs, and found that there may be two variants of the die cast carb.

PNs: GM-2103965 being superseded by GM-2135998

Also, the fuel bowl seems to be another part that is superseded:

GM 2143816 Bowl, Fuel, Carburetor assembly (superseded by by Bowl, GM-2198543).

If ANYONE has what they consider an original or NOS carb (early or late) PLEASE send a pic to [email protected] so we can compile what is and isn't a CCKW carb.
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Postby pfarber » Tue May 20, 2008 3:17 am

I have an ID disk on my die cast carb.

Outer part number (GM PN) 2135998 inner number 9778B (Zenith PN).

So I evidently have the 'superseded' carb assy as per the SNL, and I have no PLUG, Sight Level.
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