2015 Ft. Indiantown Gap Battle of the Bulge event

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2015 Ft. Indiantown Gap Battle of the Bulge event

Postby pfarber » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:33 pm

This this is still kicking.. even though they lost the original WWII barracks.

Shitty hours for the public to hit the vendors:
Saturday, January 31, 2015

1000 (10AM) Flea Market Opens
1400 (2PM) Flea Market Closed to the Public

4 Hours for the public to hit the vendors?


I may put on a uniform and drive the jeep down.. no weapons though.
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
RIP Kimber 5/26/2022
RIP Yeager 1/3/2019
RIP TJ 3/25/2014
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RIP Shilo 4/10/2015
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