Guardians of the Galaxy - SUCKED

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Guardians of the Galaxy - SUCKED

Postby pfarber » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:52 pm

How the hell did this POS movie get to popular?

Chris Pratt is a shit actor, this is two movies that this fuck has ruined (the Lego Movie being the first).

The plot sucked, well, I guess that's not fair as there was no plot.. just a cliche of a movie.

And the WORST part? THE SHITTY SOUND TRACK. Why would some young boy from the Midwest listen to such SHITTY music?

Thankfully I watched the $1.99 redbox DVD and didn't blow $30 at a movie theater.

When half of your lead cast is animated you'd think the two real people would be able to act and take up the slack. NOPE. The CGI characters were the most interesting.

Bad movie.. I can't believe there will be a sequel to this steaming pile of shit movie.
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