Tokyo Ghoul

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Tokyo Ghoul

Postby pfarber » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:04 pm

Burned through this show (two seasons) and its OK for what it is. It basically covers two of the three the manga series (the last is Tokyo Ghoul :RE) and it's a pretty good story.. a bit long winded at time. Its gets muddy at times a characters are introduced, are given a BRIEF background (usually via small flashbacks) and then they disappear. So many characters have this happen... one minute they are there, the next gone. The plot also jumps around kinda mindlessly.. are we supposed to integrate with the Ghouls or exterminate them? Why are Ghouls even tolerated? There is a simple test to check if they are human.... why is this not done? Also Hide's (spelled that wrong) death is completely out of the blue... like fuck it, gotta kill the best friend... well, because.

Why do they put Ghoul parts in Kaneki to begin with? What happened to Rize tormenting Kaneki? One episode its an all encompassing theme that Rize torment Kaneki... then she disappears for basically ever? What the fuck does Shū have to do with anything? Why do they tolerate him after he tried to eat both Kaneki AND Nishiki's human girlfriend? Its all just a huge fucking mess that ends poorly... I mean story wise... typical anime just leaves shit hanging and you're supposed to erad the manga (Tokyo Ghoul :RE) to figure out what happens. There is a twinge of a relationship between Tōka and Kaneki... but it goes no where... and it takes forever it nothing to happen. Even less happens between them in :RE

It a good mindless show. Don't expect any deep meanings or satisfying ending.
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