Lots of GC and Sweetwater love today

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Lots of GC and Sweetwater love today

Postby pfarber » Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:33 pm

I had way to many guitars... 5 in total. Most were low end/bought on sale deals where I never really spent more that $150 on them... well the Epiphone Goth was $200. So I needed to get rid of them. No, Craigslist or ebay is not an option... not at a 20% fee and shipping hassles. I also needed a cymbal stand for a cymbal to fill the last input on my Alesis Crimson module (hi-hat crash 1,2,3 and Ride). GC has a light weight Rouge boom stand for $24. I figured it was time to take a trip down to GC.

So as they are testing the guitars I look to see if they have the Epiphone Les Paul Std PLUSPro in HoneyBurst (jesus Epiphone... whats with the names??!!) to check the prices. Holy Shit they had the exact same guitar for $100 less!!! So I get my $185 for the guitars I sold, buy the $24 cymbal stand for $20 because I got a 10% discount for trading in then walked out to my car, called Sweetwater and asked them to price match the guitar I bought from them at $549 with the identical one at GC. They took $70 off (they said that taxes would affect the 'out the door' price. I was happy to get the $70 back!!!!

So not a bad day. My Crimson is fully pimped out, and I have a lot more room thanks to selling 3 guitars I didn't play.
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy
RIP Kimber 5/26/2022
RIP Yeager 1/3/2019
RIP TJ 3/25/2014
RIP Sugar Bear 8/29/2014
RIP Shilo 4/10/2015
RIP Yuki 2/19/2017
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